The Wheelbarrow: Shari Blaukopf's December Newsletter
3 months ago • 6 min readDecember 2024 LOADS OF VIEWS, REVIEWS & EVENTS If you grew up in a snowy place, as I did, you can appreciate the little-kid excitement that comes with the year's first snowfall — face pressed against the window, already planning a day of snowballs, sledding and snow forts. Maybe I’ve outgrown all that, but it’s still a happy time for me when the first snow blankets my part of Montreal. First of all because it’s a refreshing change from a mostly grey November. And second, because I love to...
READ POSTBlack Friday Price Drop Begins!
4 months ago • 1 min read13 COURSES.30% OFF.FOR JUST 8 DAYS. MY BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR STARTS NOW. I’m thrilled to launch my annual Black Friday Week sale, featuring the year’s most dramatic price drop on some of my most popular online courses. During Black Friday Week, I’m offering a baker’s dozen of my most popular courses (see below) priced at 30% OFF each for a full 8 days. My Black Friday sale ends at midnight ET on Sunday, December 1, 2024. Maybe you’ve already picked up tips and techniques from one or more...
READ POSTThe Wheelbarrow: Shari Blaukopf's October Newsletter
5 months ago • 5 min readOctober 2024 LOADS OF VIEWS, REVIEWS & EVENTS It’s been too long between Wheelbarrows, and I apologize for that. Lots of events got in the way (see below), but the main reason? I really needed to put aside “me” time to paint, which I happily managed to do, alongside my other commitments. But now I’m back at my desk and glad to be here. You’ll notice that I’ve updated my wheelbarrow sketch (above) with a double portrait of my trusty old one and its new friend, which I inherited with the new...
READ POST50+ Free Drawing Workshops You Can’t Miss
5 months ago • 1 min read50 demos. 50 artists. And it’s FREE! I’m so excited to share this! I've been invited to take part in Sketching Retreat, a free 6-day online event with 50+ workshops (mine included!) all about architectural sketching & drawing — both analog and digital techniques. This event takes place from October 22-27, 2024. I’m thrilled to be one of the 50+ amazing instructors in the event. In my online workshop, I’ll be sharing with you “Inside and Out: A Shop Facade in Ink and Watercolour”. A little...
READ POSTA bonus HOW-TO before the end of launch week
5 months ago • 2 min readA little more about L-E-T-T-E-R-I-N-G for your sketchbooks By this point in launch week, with less than 48 hours left to take advantage of the discounted price, you may have already bought my newest online course, “Design Ideas for Your Sketchbook.” And if you have, thank you! In this course, I’ve included a section about lettering because, as a graphic design professional and design teacher, I love letter forms. I love how words introduce another layer of pictorial information to a...
READ POSTOne artist changed my life forever. I wonder if you’ve heard of him...
5 months ago • 3 min readSketches of Edgar A. Whitney What I learned from a master I have cupboards in my studio where I keep my sketchbooks. They now number over a hundred, of every size and description. Two special ones, I always keep close to hand. They're among the oldest: hardbound, dark in colour, falling to pieces. Over some 45 years, I’ve moved my growing pile of sketchbooks from one apartment to another, from house to house. Most stay in my cupboards. Except for a special pair. A week doesn’t go by that I...
READ POSTMake your sketchbook pages POP! Announcing a new Shari Blaukopf online course!
5 months ago • 2 min readAnnouncing “Design Ideas for Your Sketchbooks,” my new EXTENDED online course! Take advantage of my special launch price, valid this week only. Normally priced at $49 USD or $69 CDN, I’m discounting Design Ideas for Your Sketchbook to $42 USD or $59 CDN until midnight (ET) on Sunday, October 6, 2024. As a university-trained graphic designer and design teacher, I worked for years in the industry before returning to my first love: sketching and painting in watercolour. That’s why I’m thrilled...
READ POSTThe Wheelbarrow: Shari Blaukopf's July Newsletter
8 months ago • 6 min readJuly 2024 LOADS OF VIEWS, REVIEWS & EVENTS My wheelbarrow has been propped against a backyard tree for months, just waiting for me to sketch it at its new home. But I’ve been too busy getting to know my new garden. Plus, I have another good excuse. I just returned from the South of France, where I gave back-to-back workshops in Provence, sketched to my heart’s content, and ate more than my quota of baguette and cheese. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. We stayed in the tiny historic town of...
READ POSTStep-by-step poppies during Shari’s Birthday Week sale!
9 months ago • 3 min readHow I sketched poppies. How you can do it too. In an earlier email I told you about my annual sketching session at my friend Susanne’s garden. How Susanne pings me each year around my birthday week to say, Hurry, the poppies are out! And how I rush over, eager to sketch them with her, before some rogue weather knocks them flat. My conclusion about these sketching sessions was this: If an opportunity presents to sketch or paint, seize it. And even if an opportunity doesn’t present, do it...